Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev was born on February 15, 1934 in Baku. He is a world-famous scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, president of the Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering, vice-president of the International Academy of Engineering, laureate of the Azerbaijan State Prize, honored scientist, member of many international academies, rector of the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy. A.M. After graduating from the Odessa Institute of Electrical Communication in 1957 with a degree in Radiophysics, Pashayev began his scientific career at the Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. At that time, semiconductor physics had already entered many fields of science and technology. The broad perspectives, high development, and innovation that opened up semiconductors led to the field of semiconductor devices and semiconductor physics A.M. It became the main direction of Pashayev’s scientific activity. Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev began his extensive research in the field of injury-free control while still in Moscow. In 1960, he was admitted to the graduate school of the State Institute of Rare Metals (Giredmet), one of the leading scientific centers of the former Soviet Union. In 1965, he defended his dissertation on “Development of contactless methods and devices for measuring the parameters of semiconductors at high and ultra-high frequencies” and received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. A.M. The results of Pashayev’s theoretical and experimental research in the field of semiconductor electronics and microelectronics were reflected in his 1978 doctoral dissertation on “Physical basis, principles of development and application of electromagnetic methods in the study of semiconductors.” On the basis of these researches, telemetric, multifunctional, hydroacoustic complex apparatus designed for control and research of underwater objects was created. In 1991, A.M. Pashayev was awarded the title of laureate of the Azerbaijan State Prize “For complex work in the field of creating an autonomous hydroacoustic information system.” A.M. For a long time – from 1971 to 1996, Pashayev headed the laboratory “Physical methods of measurement and control without damage” of the Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and took an active part in determining the scientific directions of the Institute. It was during this period that his outstanding ability as a scientist and scientific organizer became apparent. From 1996 to the present, academician A.M. Pashayev is the rector of the National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan Airlines. A.M. Since Pashayev was appointed rector in 1996, the National Aviation Academy has entered a new stage of development. Academician A.M. Pashayev’s activity began with the organization of the educational process, research work at the level of the highest modern requirements. On the basis of the Research Institute of Transport and Aerospace Problems, he established the Scientific-Production Association, which includes the Research Institute, the Design Bureau and the Experimental Production. Academician A.M. For the first time in Azerbaijan, Pashayev established a higher education institution that meets the modern world standards and provides for the unity of education, science and industry. A.M. The achievements of MAA under Pashayev’s leadership have been praised by various well-known foreign organizations. The International Awards “European Quality” and “Europe’s Best Enterprise” awarded to MAA for its high services in accordance with European standards in the education system are a vivid proof of this. In addition, the National Aviation Academy was awarded a certificate of civil aviation higher education by the decision of the Interstate Aviation Committee, included in the list of civil aviation higher education institutions of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and accepted as a full member of the European University Association. Arif Pashayev graduated from the National Aviation University of Ukraine, the Aviation University of Georgia, A.S. Honorary Doctor of the Odessa National Academy of Communications named after Popov, Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna, Honorary Member of the Congress of Azerbaijanis of Ukraine. He is also the President of the Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering, established in 2005, the Vice-President of the International Academy of Engineering, and the President of the Science-Based Innovation Association, established in July 2009. Since 2009, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific and Technical Journal “News of the Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering”. In 2013, he and scientists from Russia and Georgia were awarded the Diploma No. 460 for their scientific discoveries in the field of semiconductor physics, and in 2013, they were awarded the Diploma No. 462 for their discoveries in the field of fracture mechanics. Nobel Laureate in Physics P.L. A gold medal named after Kapitsa was awarded. He was also elected an Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and was awarded the Vernadsky Gold Badge. International connection