Pashayev A.M., Janahmadov A.Kh., Aliev A.A.
Evaluation of impact of super high speed microparticle on aircraft outer surface in
the upper layers of troposphere …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Abdullayev Kh.I., Hasanov R.A., Huseyn-zade B.E.
S-band telecommunication system for small satellite ………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Janahmadov A.Kh., Volchenko D.A., Javadov M.Y., Volchenko N.A., Fedotov E.S., Vitvitsky V.S.
Energy-loading of self-ventilated disc of vehicle with braking spikes …………………………………………………… 23
Gulaliyev I.D., Veliyeva S.M., Sadirzadeh I.A.
Detergent dispersant additives for motor oils ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 31
Oil and Gas
Samedov T.A., Novruzova S.G.
Decision making based on the distribution of the indices characterizing work of well …………………………. 36
Tairov C.N., Kerimova A.Q.
Study of PVT-properties of reservoir fluids in the exploitation of oil-gas fields ……………………………………. 43
Chemical Technology
Allahverdiyeva A.T.
Determination of electromagnetic drive effort of a solid magnetic solenoid ……………………………………….. 52
Zeynalov A.N.
Influence of electrical and magnetic fields on the rate of precipitation of solid
body particles in the liquid ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57
Javadov N.G., Yagubzade N.Y., Mekhtiev J.S.
The development of high spectral resolution of the device AC-2 …………………………………………………………. 61
Hasanov M.H.
7D optical photon switch fully optical network …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65
Nabiyev R.N., Abdullayev A.A., Qarayev Q.I.
Development stages of lithium batteries ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 70
Information Technology
Eminov R.A.
Assessment of atmospheric fronts on tropospheric delay of GPS signals …………………………………………….. 82
Muslumov S.Y.
Application of social taxes: realities and ways of improvement ………………………………………………………….. 85
Qasimov V.E., Aghayev N.F.
Ways to increase effectiveness index (lpi) in the logistics system of the Republic of Azerbaijan ………… 96
Ismayilova R.A.
Urea production in azerbaijan – new perspectives of the country’s scientific potential ………………………… 104
Aliyev M.İ., Hasanova U.Y.
Mineral waters of the south-western part of the lesser caucasus and prospects of their usage …………….. 108
Ahmedova N.Y.
Mineralogical composition of secondary quarcites of the chiragdara ore field ……………………………………. 111
Aliyeva F.Kh., Sadikhova L.R., Guliyev J.A., Ajamov K.Y., Guseynova E.A.
Environmental monitoring of the petroleum hydrocarbons contamination of caspian sea sediments .. 116
Ahmedov Sh.A., Novruzova S.N.
Use of alternative energy sources and energy production by biogas installation …………………………………. 124
Content of the 12th volume (January – December 2019) ……………………………………………………………………. 129