The textbook of Azerbaijani scientists “Technical Mechanics” was recognized as a laureate of the International Competition

At the International Competition named after the pioneer of printing Ivan Fedorov, announced by the Russian Engineering Academy, the textbook “Technical Mechanics” was published (Baku: “APOSTROF-A”, 2023, – 292 pp.). The textbook was prepared jointly by employees of the Azerbaijan Engineering Academy and the National Aviation Academy Ahad Janahmadov, Adalat Samadov, Maksim Javadov and Nigar Panahova. At the final stage of the Competition, the authors of the textbook “Technical Mechanics” Ahad Janahmadov, Adalat Samadov, Maksim Javadov and Nigar Panahova became Laureates of the international competition named after the pioneer of printing Ivan Fedorov and were awarded Diploma and Medal of the Russian Engineering Academy.

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