Copyrights are protected in accordance with the Law adopted in the Parliament of Copyright of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Intellectual Property Agency, Laws: Copyright and Related Rights), and are regulated by the Copyright Agency:
- Law on Copyright and Related Rights
- Law on Legal Protection of Compilations of Data
- Law on Enforcement of the Intellectual Property Rights and Fight Against Piracy
All published articles by year are available to readers in PDF format and posted on the website in the “ARCHIVE” section.
3 copies of each issue of the journal are provided free of charge to the State Central Library of Azerbaijan, the Presidential Library and the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the country.
Also, the journal is issued free of charge to each author of the article.
In addition, the journal is exchanged free of charge with a number of scientific journals of foreign countries, such as Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Russian Federation, etc.
The rest of copies of the journal are distributed to subscribers and organizations.
The journal and selected articles are available free of charge to all readers and there is no fee for viewing online.
The journal has more than 1000 citations in international and local periodicals, monographs and books.
The editorial board of the journal reviews articles that correspond to the scientific profile of the journal, have not been published anywhere and have not been submitted to the editors of other journals.
The finished article should be sent to the editorial office by E-mail:
The article can be written in any of three languages: Azerbaijani, English or Russian; and must include:
- Title of the article, Name, Middle Name (if applicable), Surname of authors, names of organizations of each author and addresses of organizations (all translated into three languages).
- E-mail of one of the authors.
- Universal Decimal Classification code, also known as UDC or УДК.
- Annotation, about 2000 characters (with translation into three languages).
- Key words, up to 6 words (with translation into three languages).
- The text of the article with a breakdown into Introduction, Purpose of work, Problem statement, Problem solution, Conclusion.
- a) The total volume of article is up to 10 pages; a list of used sources (no more than 15) with full bibliographic data on the source, including a link to our journal “Herald of the Azerbaijan Engineering Academy”. The list is compiled in the order of the references in the text (1, 2, 3 …), and not randomly; b) The transliterated text of this list in the Latin alphabet.
- Titles of figures and tables in the language of writing the article (plus their translation into English). Figures and tables are located directly in the text of the article next to the mandatory links to them.
- A business card of one of the authors with a phone number and an E-mail for communication.
The submitted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check procedure. The originality index must be at least 75%.
Articles are reviewed by doctors or candidates of sciences appointed by the editorial board. The following are involved in reviewing articles: members of the editorial board, editorial board and leading experts. The review period is up to 3 months. In case of comments on the article, the editors will contact the author. After repeated author’s editing, the article is sent for re-review, and then, based on the final opinion of the reviewer, the editorial board approves the article for publication or rejects it. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes.
In order to avoid typing errors in the layout of the article, please send the text and figures in electronic form using format .docx of Microsoft Word, and font Times New Roman.
No fee is charged from the authors for the publication of the manuscript.
Abstracts of articles from the last 3 issues and 3 full issues of the journal can be downloaded from the site in PDF format.
The practice of peer review is to ensure that only good science is published. It is an objective process at the heart of good scholarly publishing and is carried out by all reputable scientific journals. Our referees play a vital role in maintaining the high standards Transport Policy and all manuscripts are peer reviewed following the procedure outlined below.
Initial manuscript evaluation
The Editor first evaluates all manuscripts. It is rare, but it is possible for an exceptional manuscript to be accepted at this stage. Manuscripts rejected at this stage are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, have poor grammar or English language, or are outside the aims and scope of the journal. Those that meet the minimum criteria are normally passed on to at least 2 experts for review.
Type of Peer Review
Transport Policy employs double blind reviewing, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process.
How the referee is selected
Whenever possible, referees are matched to the paper according to their expertise and our database is constantly being updated.
Referee reports
Referees are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript: – Is original – Is methodologically sound – Follows appropriate ethical guidelines – Has results which are clearly presented and support the conclusions – Correctly references previous relevant work.
Language correction is not part of the peer review process, but referees may, if so wish, suggest corrections to the manuscript. Click for downloading file: ENG_Peer_Review_Form
How long does the review process take?
The time required for the review process is dependent on the response of the referees. Should the referee’s reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. In rare cases for which it is extremely difficult to find a second referee to review the manuscript, or when the one referee’s report has thoroughly convinced the Editor, decisions at this stage to accept, reject or ask the author for a revision are made on the basis of only one referee’s report. The Editor’s decision will be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees, which usually includes verbatim comments by the referees. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees who may then request another revision of a manuscript.
Final report
A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees, and may include verbatim comments by the referees.
Editor’s Decision is final
Referees advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article.
Becoming a referee for Transport Policy
If you are not currently a referee for Transport Policy but would like to be considered as a referee, please contact the editor. The benefits of refereeing for Transport Policy include the opportunity to read see and evaluate the latest work in your research area at an early stage, and to contribute to the overall integrity of scientific research and its published documentation. You may also be able to cite your work for Transport Policy as part of your professional development requirements for various Professional Societies and Organizations.
All articles are checked for originality and plagiarism. The originality index must be at least 75%.
Articles that do not meet the requirements of the journal are not accepted for the consideration.