The editorial board of the journal reviews articles that corre-spond to the scientific profile of the journal, have not been published anywhere and have not been submitted to the editors of other journals.
The finished article should be sent to the editorial office by e-mail:
The article can be written in any of three languages: Azerbai-jani, English or Russian (max 10 pp.) and must include:
- Title of the article, Name, Middle Name (if applicable), Surname of authors, names of organizations of each author and addresses of organizations;
- E-mail of one of the authors;
- Annotation (about 1000 characters);
- Key words (up to 6 words).
All of the above information must be translated into three lan-guages.
- The text of the article with a breakdown into Introduction, Purpose of work, Problem statement, Problem solution, Conclu-sion.
- Universal Decimal Classification code, also known as УДК.
- The transliterated in the Latin alphabet the list of used Ref-erences (min 7 – max 10) with full bibliographic data on the source, including a link to journal “Herald of the Azerbaijan Engineering Academy”. The list is compiled in the order of the references in the text (1, 2, 3 …), and not randomly.
- Titles of figures and tables in the language of writing the article plus their translation into English. Figures and tables are located directly in the text of the article next to the mandatory links to them.
The submitted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check pro-cedure. The originality index must be at least 75%.
Articles are reviewed by doctors or candidates of sciences appointed by the editorial board. The following are involved in reviewing articles: members of the editorial board, editorial board and leading experts. The review period is up to 3 months. In case of comments on the article, the editors will contact the author. After repeated author’s editing, the article is sent for re-review, and then, based on the final opinion of the reviewer, the editorial board approves the article for publication or rejects it. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes.
In order to avoid typing errors in the layout of the article, please send the text and figures in electronic form using format .docx of Microsoft Word, and font Times New Roman 12, inter-val 1,15.