Pashayev A.M., Janahmadov A.Kh., Aliyev A.A. Simulation of drop-rain impact by tribophatic loading ……………………………………………… 7
Hazarкhanov А.Т., Karimli T.I., Neymatov V.A., Huseynov V.S.
Research of statics errors of piezoelectric converters of mechanical motion parameters … 16
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Javadov M.Y., Zhuravlev D.Y., Nasirova M.M., Popovich V.Y., Bekish I.O., Wudvud A.N.
Thermal balance of self-activated disc-shoe brakes with spikes …………………………………. 26
Ibragimov N.I., Mamedaliev R.M., Bayramov Kh.B.
Technological parameters of the laser coating of the gate valve with the metalic powder ……….. 38
Oil and Gas
Shakhverdiev A.H., Denisov A.V.
Discover of congested and poorly drained oil deposits and their further active development ………43
Ismayilov G.G., Adigozalova M.B., Ismayilova F.B., Zeynalova G.A.
Study of the effect of ballast on the macroscopic parameters of oil mixtures ………………. 51
Aliyeva O.A., Aliyev A.S.
Gas injection into the dome of water-pressure unit to displace of water ………………………. 60
Chemical Technology
Gurbanov G.R., Adigezalova M.B., Abdullaeva Z.A., Abdullaeva N.A.
Bactericidal properties of new corrosion inhibitors of steel in presence
of sulfatoreducting bacteria ………………………………………………………………………………….. 67
Manafov E.K.
Assessment methods of operational reliability of railway stations ………………………………. 74
Ismayilova R.A.
Improvement in the legal protection of intellectual property in Azerbaijan ………………….. 79
Nabiyev R.N., Ramazanov K.Sh., Rustamov R.R.
Efficiency of the automated security-notification system …………………………………………. 84
Eminov R.A., Ibrahimova S.I.
Complex evaluation of rain impact on the quality of CPS pozitioning systems ……………. 92
Sultanov E.F., İsmayilov S.S., Şixiyev A.S.
Investigation of the electric drive of the freight pump using a soft starter ……………………. 97
Aliev M.I., Ahmadov A.Z., Shibayeva A.A., Kitachayev Sh.M.
Material composition and technological features of Khar-Khar copper-porphyric deposit 102
Mammadov M.N., Bayramov A.A.
Petrology and potentially mineralized of the Gedabek intrusion ……………………………….. 111
Shamilova M.E., Ewa Ostrowska–Ligęza
The influence of effects of optimal condition of super-critical fluid
extraction in the cocoa butter industry …………………………………………………………………… 122